Friday 21 June 2013

Trailer analysis reflection

Trailer Analysis

Genre Research

Genre research reflection

Marketing research reflection

Reflecting on the previous research I have begun to see the importance of integrating different forms of media through the use of a USP (unique selling proposition). Constant underling themes are used throughout the different types of media used within the marketing campaign. To create an effective marketing campaign I must create a USP this will give my campaign an element of brand identity, therefore my audience will easily recognize that each different part of my marketing campaigns is linked. For example someone who has seen the trailer will be able to recognize that my poster is from the same film without having to study the trailer in detail. This can be done through a verity of techniques as shown with the Superman film. The logo and heavy use of the main character are used to create a brand identity and play on the genre of the film.

To achieve a brand identity I will use the main character to my advantage, I will be able to use the character in my, trailer, poster and magazine cover. Producing products which are part of a large media package gives me the task of hooking the reader without giving too much away but at the same time linking the media products and keeping them interesting and original. I can use the genre of the film to hook the reader, for example if the genre is a social realism film (a genre that I am toying with the idea of using) I can use realistic raw emotion and almost be artistic with my presentation, in some cases with this genre less is more. I could use this effect in all of my media products. To ensure my three products work together to provide narrative information I could use mise en scene i.e props and costume to inform and hook the reader about events in the narrative. Obviously my trailer will give most of the narrative away, to make my print media formats inform the reader about the narrative I could use elements of the trailer to my advantage in my photography, this will hopefully inform the reader of the genre and narrative ect. It will also again create a brand identity, for example a character would wear the same clothing in all three products  to make it easily recognized by the viewer, as done in the marketing campaign for the Superman film. Continuity is the key element in making a marketing campaign successful. To do this I will use the same colour/effects, props and key characters on   each of my media products.  

Friday 14 June 2013

Reflection of skills

Marketing Campaigns

The main concept of a marketing campaign is to draw as many people to watch the film as possible, this can be done through a verity of different forms of media. These forms carry the same traits which help create an underlying theme to make the campaign look professional and memorable when seen again. Marketing campaigns usually carry key elements of the film across to create this theme.

Man of Steel


Man of Steel has produced three trailers to be seen by the general public. This is an example of a cross media platform as the trailers are shown on television and via online distribution, for example the Man of Steel website which uses an embedded Youtube videos. Each trailer reveals different content and introduces new shots. This is to try and keep the viewer keen on watching the film and teases them, making them want to see more.

Trailer 1
310,328 views 14/06/13
510,940 views 14/06/13

Trailer 2
34,516619 views 14/06/13

Trailer 3
25,071,554 views 14/06/13

Posters are an effective way of advertising in the form of print media, Universal have taken advantage of this and produced a large verity of posters to be used within magazines and in other forms of print media.

 This image shows the primary colours associated with superman. This theme has run through out the existence of superman and will therefore satisfy life long fans. It will also persuade people who are new to the series because of the use of modern imagery making the film look entertaining. The traditional superman logo has been used to prove its official.

This poster has used the same colour scheme as the previous one, there has been a continuous theme which makes the campaign look professional. Also a viewer who has seen a previous poster will be able to recognize the brand identity. The face of the actor has also been used to promote his role and highlight to the audience who the face of superman is, this will also attract fans of the actor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

This poster uses a different colour scheme to introduce some difference to the campaign, emphasizing the size and effort of the campaign. It shows the transition between superman in ordinary life and as the super hero, this carry's context and content of the film across, a key trait of an advertising campaign. This is used to entice the audience.  

Again a similar colour scheme has been used, and again there is a large emphasis on brand identity from the use of colours and the superman logo. Using technology to edit the image to make it apear that the actor is flying makes the character look iconic and almost daunting, this grabs the attention of the reader.


Putting the actor in the center of the poster emphasizes the power of superman in the film. The bright lighting around his head makes him look powerful, drawing the attention of the reader. Brand identity can also be shown through the use of colour and the brand logo.

The Man of Steel Marketing has heavily used synergetic marketing to promote the film, it has a collection of partners that help market the film and their products will most likely feature within the film. This helps increase the hype behind the film and is initially designed to help persuade the audience of the partners to watch the film, increasing the size of the target audience. 

Gillette has incredibly endorsed the film by asking 'how does the man of steel shave?' They have produced a number of videos including famous actors for example Bill Nye to market Gillette's product through the question. This question has been around for a while amongst comics and superman fans etc. Gillette have used a 'tie-in' approach to advertise the film.
Gillette have also created an advert based on superman again to promote the product.

Kellogs have also used Man of Steel in their marketing campaigns and even on their products. This will help attract the younger audiences who eat the children's coco pop cereal, toys within the box are superman based. The following video shows the vast size of the marketing campaign as the language is not English, the campaign for this film is global.

Nokia is also a large main partner in the Marketing campaign, it has released an app and a competition to promote its new Nokia Lumia range. Also when you buy one of these phones you have the option to have a phone back with the superman logo on. The box your phone comes in is all superman themed and you get a superman wireless charging pillow, although this is primarily US based.

Overall, the film has a large number of partners who have worldwide marketing campaigns, having partners allows the film to be spread to the masses. Since superman is such a renowned series products for companys and partners are also being created for example the image above.
More partners:

Man of Steel grossed $56 million on 15/06/13 according to Friday box office and is estimated to make $100 million this weekend. This is massively down to the marketing campaign and large use of synergy, proving how effective marketing campaigns are.
