Friday 21 June 2013

Marketing research reflection

Reflecting on the previous research I have begun to see the importance of integrating different forms of media through the use of a USP (unique selling proposition). Constant underling themes are used throughout the different types of media used within the marketing campaign. To create an effective marketing campaign I must create a USP this will give my campaign an element of brand identity, therefore my audience will easily recognize that each different part of my marketing campaigns is linked. For example someone who has seen the trailer will be able to recognize that my poster is from the same film without having to study the trailer in detail. This can be done through a verity of techniques as shown with the Superman film. The logo and heavy use of the main character are used to create a brand identity and play on the genre of the film.

To achieve a brand identity I will use the main character to my advantage, I will be able to use the character in my, trailer, poster and magazine cover. Producing products which are part of a large media package gives me the task of hooking the reader without giving too much away but at the same time linking the media products and keeping them interesting and original. I can use the genre of the film to hook the reader, for example if the genre is a social realism film (a genre that I am toying with the idea of using) I can use realistic raw emotion and almost be artistic with my presentation, in some cases with this genre less is more. I could use this effect in all of my media products. To ensure my three products work together to provide narrative information I could use mise en scene i.e props and costume to inform and hook the reader about events in the narrative. Obviously my trailer will give most of the narrative away, to make my print media formats inform the reader about the narrative I could use elements of the trailer to my advantage in my photography, this will hopefully inform the reader of the genre and narrative ect. It will also again create a brand identity, for example a character would wear the same clothing in all three products  to make it easily recognized by the viewer, as done in the marketing campaign for the Superman film. Continuity is the key element in making a marketing campaign successful. To do this I will use the same colour/effects, props and key characters on   each of my media products.  

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