Wednesday 6 November 2013

Rough Cuts

My rough cut trailer shows the basic structure for my future trailer. To represent my genre I have used tints to alter the darkness of the shots. Social realism is a dark genre and adding a dark tint helps emphasise the depressing locations. Making some scenes black and white helps make them more dramatic, this technique has been adopted from the Dead Man's Shoes trailer. The scenes of abuse in the past are made black and white. The trailer follows my narrative, in the begining the characters are introduced and the life of the main character comes alive when his abuse is shown. Towards the end the character transforms himself and seeks revenge. The use of diolouge is short and adds to the atmosphere of the trailer. My next step is to film and add more footage, this will give the trailer the main bulck of diologue. It will also explain the process of the main character taking revenge, this will build tension later in the trailer. I also need to create a soundtrack in garage band, this will add to the atmospheric feel of the trailer. After effects will also be used to create a collection of text shots that will help explain the narrative.

This film poster helps represent the narriative of the film as the reader can see that the film involves three characters. The use of the character with the sledgehammer suggests that the film will have violent elements. The poster also represents the genre by the use of English housing in the background. To complete my poster I need to add text, for example reviews from magazines and and the names of actors and directors. I also want to add a white boarder to make my poster look more asthetic.

So far my magazine cover has a good structure. The text is aligned in the correct manner and the image is central overlapping my masthead, this technique was used in my insperation text. The use of a skyline helps adverise further content.To improve this I need to add more sell lines and improve the bottom part of my magazine. This can be done by adding more text.

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