Friday 11 October 2013

Production Company Logos

I created this production company logo to make my film look more professional. From my research I found that most trailers feature production compnany logos. I have researched some production companies that produce social realsim film's. Warp films produced Dead Man's Shoe's and This is England. It also produced other British films such as Submarine which I have taken some inspiration from and Four Lions. I wanted to create a production company that was professional and sounded like it produced British films. I named my production company 'Grey Stone Productions' for a number of reasons.The 'Grey Stone' part of the name represents the tradition of dry stone walling which is famously British; it was used to mark field boundries and territory. This strongly relates to the theme of social realism as both things are notoriously British. The word 'Grey' has connotations of saddness and blandness. This is strongly related to my genre as social realism represents the hardship and sadness behind working class British life. Therfore I thought Grey Stone Productions sounded very fitting.

I created this production logo by downloading a font from that looked like solid stone. I then created a Photoshop document and used the font. I made sure each of the words in the title were the same size and layered on-top of eachother. This represents a dry stone wall. Next to this I used an image of an actual dry stone wall to make the logo look eye catching. I could now apply the production compy logo to other media products such as my poster. This then helped brand identity. 

This is used at the end of the trailer to inform the viewer of the name of the film for future reference. The font is also the same as on my poster which helps create an effective brand identity. This will add to the professionalism of my finished trailer. It also features the age rating of the film so the audience is aware.

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