Monday 7 October 2013

Test shots

Before my photo shoot I decided to take some test shots for my print media products to see if I could achieve the effect I had visioned when I drew my flat plans. The image shows a close up with a downwards tilt, creating a direct eye contact with the reader. This draws more attention to the magazine cover therefore improving the advertising campaign.

The image bellow shows the proposed pose for my character on the front cover. The pose is replicated from a similar character in the film A Place Beyond the Pines.

A few days before my first day of filming I decided to take my film camera with me on my paper round at around 7.00am. The examples above are two of many test shots I took of my chosen locations. The first video shows the location in which my main character was attacked many times by the agressors, it is also shown at the end of my trailer. The second test shot shows the terraced streets where I filmed the opening scenes of my trailer, I did test shots to get to grips with the camera controls. The weather was in my favour when I filmed these test shots as the dark clouds help set a dark atmosphere for my film.

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