Monday 7 October 2013

Poster Development

These are my first ideas for my poster. I have used stills from my trailer footage to create the bottom poster and my test shot for the top poster. I am confident that using stills will be effective, this has been done in the piece I have taken influence from. To create these examples I used Photoshop. I have used the font I selected in my font research and applied it it to a poster sized photoshop document. To achive the effect on my images I have desaturated the images to make them black and white. On the first poster I simply used the quick selection tool to move the character from the test shot to the Photoshop document. The second poster requred more technical ability. I created a background gradient and tried to blend the dark colours into a lighter red. I also had to make the end of the main charxters hammer into a seperate layer and put it infront of the main image. This makes the poster look more dimensional. I feel the images I have used represent the genre well sue to the strong emotion, however I will have to wait for audience feedback further into the development process.

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