Wednesday 2 October 2013

Font Planning

The image above consists of a number of fonts I have chosen that most suit my film and genre. I have downloaded these fonts from In this following post I will analyse the font selection and choose the most suitable font.
  1. The first font is effective because the characters are large and bulcky. This will attract attention. It also has an almost cartoon effect which I am looking to achive with my font. However the rounded fat ends of the characters don't look very threatening and wouldn't represent my narriative.
  2. The next font again is effective due to character size, it would help attract attention. However the font looks rather western and wouldn't represent my chosen genre that effectively.
  3. The next font is very effective because of the pointed edges of the characters, it helps represent my narriative well. It also has a cartoon effect. Another thing I like about this font is that the characters touch eachother making the title look stronger.
  4. This font satisfies the comic book effect but it looks too light hearted and would not represent my genre very effectivley. This is because the characters are jauntily angled and it looks quite playfull.
  5. The next font is not bold enough for my film, it also looks weak in some aspects.
  6. This font looks very artistic and I chose it because it helps represent the artistic side of my genre, however it's not very strong in other aspects.
To conclude I have chosen the third font as it is the most effective from my chosen selection. The font looks sharp and agressive which is linked to my narriative, it is also related to the film name mantis as some of the characters look like parts of an insect. The font is also cartoon like and is therefore linked to the example font from Dead Man's Shoe's shown at the bottom of my researched fonts. 

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