Monday 5 August 2013

Location Research

Just a few locations to consider for my filming so far:

The use of a basic teenage boys bedroom, realistic home environment for a character. Living areas are prominent in social realism films they help add to the humanity of the characters.

This shows the conflict between nature and an urban environment. It emphasizes the concept of things trying to work around each-other. It could also be used to represent the conflict and struggle between key themes and concepts.

Cross roads are very metaphorical they can represent decisions and different paths for people. Putting hidden meaning and messages in real life situations is a key concept of social realism.

This is a basic working environment in an industrial area, I took this on the way to work. It shows a not very aesthetic area and could be used to set the scene. There's also a bus stop which helps bring in realistic elements. Public transport shows realistic and human elements which therefore emphasizes social realism. 

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