Thursday 29 August 2013

Soundmix Research

0:00-0:37.5 - Ten seconds into the trailer a sound bridge of diagetic sound introduces a medium close up. The use of diagetic sound instead of a soundtrack slowly eases the viewer into the trailer and keeps them hooked. Twenty seconds into the trailer a sound track begins to play, the soundtack has been taken from rocky to create a comic effect. Even though the soundtrack over powers the scene diagetic sound can still be heard in the background. The soundtrack comes to an end when the character is punched and this is made clearly audible, then the diagetic sound becomes louder again. The next scene is introduced by the start of a new sound track.
0:37.5 - 1.15 - The soundtrack is played over a scene until 0:45 seconds, there is no other audible sound, this helps the viewer focus on the importance of the scene. Diagetic sound begins to play again, in some cases diagetic sound from one scene is used to narrate other shots, although the trailer does come back to the shot the diagetic sound is from. This technique is used throughout the trailer, it keeps the viewer hooked as there is a lot of activity on screen, it also helps condense large amounts of footage into a 2:30 trailer. Important diagetic sound begins at 0:57 and is extended for a long while. This is because its an important part of the film and helps tell part of the narrative quickly. At 1:14 the soundtrack comes to an end.
1:16 - 1:52 - In this part of the trailer only diagetic sound is used to signify this is an important part of the narrative, this keeps the viewer hooked. At 1:21 a new sound track begins but with more emotional music, this narrates the following montage. Spurts of diagetic sound from different scenes begin as the pace begins to increase. The use of diagetic sound from one scene is again used to narrate a series of other scenes, this aids the narration and flow of the trailer. At 1:48 non diagetic sound begins with actual narration of the trailer, this introduces a new element to the trailer so the viewer remains interested.
1:53 -2:30 - This part of the trailer is kicked off with diagetic sound again highlighting an important part of the film, it helps represent the story line and helps emphasize one of the key themes. The non diagetic narration begins again, this helps narrate the following scenes. After this the soundtrack narrates the ending scenes until the trailer is finished.

0:00 - 0:30 - Two seconds into the trailer diagetic sound is used as a sound bridge to introduce the trailer. After the first shot a soundtrack begins at 0:13. Diagetic sound begins again at 0:20 to introduce an important scene that helps tell the viewer more about the character. The sound stops at 0:24 and the soundtrack continues until 0:27 where diagetic sound begins again.
0:31- 1:00 - Diaget sound from various scenes continue. This trailer features wall to wall scenes that reveal bits of information about the narrative as they go.The layout of this trailer is simple as narration comes from the on screen text and a soundtrack plays all the way through.
1:01-1:30 - At 1:08 the music begins to get a lot more serious to narrate the importance of the scene. The soundtrack slowly changes into a new song.
1:31 - 2:00 - At 1:36 the use of diagetic sound from once scene narrates a collection of others, this aids continuity and keeps the viewer interested. The trailer ends where it begins with the two boys talking on a bench.

0:00 - 0:26 - A slow paced relaxed soundtrack begins at 0:08 to accompany the following scenes. Non diagetic sound begins at 0:12 - 0:17 to slowly ease the viewer into the trailer. Diagetic sound begins at 0:23 to reveal narrative informarion.
0:27- 0:53 - At 0:28 a bang noise stops the soundtrack and non diagetic sound begins, this sound has been effected to make to sound chilling, this changes the mood of the trailer. The same bang happens again at 0:33 and this is followed by diagetic sound, the screaming adds to the darkness of the trailer. Another bang happens at 0:38 to introduce another scene, then diagetic sound begins again. A quiet soundtrack that builds tension is played in the background.

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