Wednesday 28 August 2013

Promotional Package - Angels' Share

Angels' Share was released on Blu-ray on the 24th September 2012 in the United Kingdom. Due to the niche genre and target audience Angels' Share was not heavily advertised. This is the case with the majority of social realism films. The promotional elements in this case were used for the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. Two trailers are available online. The campaign emphasises and represents the theme of friendship and family. The storyline is also based on the struggles of a male character. This can be linked to Trainspotting, This Is England, Dead Man's Shoe's and the majority of other social realism films. All have underlying themes of family and friendship. They also follow the struggles of one main character who is seen to evolve throughout the film. The use of the working class and a more northern oriented setting also makes it clear that this film is a social realism film

Advertising is not the strong point for social realism films, the small budget and independent studio focuses the majority of the funding on the filming. However, Print and film adverts are still produced for film festivals and a smaller internet based audience. When it comes to magazine covers, I can still produce a cover as Trainspotting did make it onto the front cover of Empire Magazine. Ken Loach the director of Angels Share is also able to sell films due to his reputation. Films like this are advertised using grass roots techniques. Loach will talk to cult magazines and reporters and news of new films will  be passed round the small fan groups. News will be spread by word of mouth until mainstream audiences actually see the films in their high street shops.

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