Friday 27 September 2013

Further Planning

Character Profiles 
Tom Hacksworth - Sammy Shaya
Tom is a seventeen year old boy growing up in the North East of England in 1993. He is an introverted silent character who prefers his own company. Compared to his peers he is quite intellectual and enjoys to study in his spare time. He is recently becoming more and more of a victim to the local townies who enjoy abusing him. He keeps the abuse to himself to try and keep personal attention at a low level. He can't approach his mother as she is unsympathetic and quite distant from him, she thinks he's strange compared to the rest of people his age. Tom is left to fend for himself in this situation although he is physically inferior. Although his life turns around when he meets Dean Kirkpatrick, an ex soldier who fought in the Falklands.

Debra Hacksworth - Played by Janet Bowlby
Debra is Tom's mother. Debra's boyfriend left her when she fell pregnant with Tom. Since then she has been left with post dramatic stress disorder. She can't hold down a job so is left to work at home looking after her son on the small dole income. Recently her condition has become worse and Tom is often a target in her mood swings, reducing the relationship between Tom and his mother not making her very approachable.

Dean Kirkpatrick - Played by Joseph Elliot
Dean is a thirty two year old ex army soldier. He has recently moved into the area and is trying to adapt to normal life, although like everyone he is experiencing the trauma of the working class North. He is quite an individual character and is disciplined in his scheduled. He comes across Tom one day and cant stand to see this social injustice. He is left empathetic and morally superior from his time in the army and is sickened to see someone being treated like this in a country he fought hard for.

Scott Baker (Bully 1) - Played by Jack Lundy
Scott is a bored seventeen year old one year into his apprenticeship working as a window fitter for his dad. He is making quite a lot of money for his age and has little to spend it on. He chooses to spend his money on clothes and going to football games. As a kid he had little chance to vent his anger and stood back from the violent actions of his friends. Although he is beginning to regret this and wants to make a name for himself. After his mother left he has become quite psychotic and Tom is a perfect person to vent his anger. He sees himself as a cold hardened individual who is superior to his best friend Marcus Winthrop.

Marcus Winthrop  (Bully 2) - Played by Joseph Sanderson
Marcus is a seventeen year old who works at the checkout at his local supermarket. His parents take little notice of him because they see him as unintelligent and put more effort into his fifteen year old sister Claire. He see's Scott as his best friend and secretly looks up to him because of his cruel logic. Marcus is quite a simple character with a low IQ but is more morally balanced than Scott. He joins in with Scott because he feels superior and involved in something when abusing Tom.

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