Tuesday 24 September 2013

Poster flat plans

On my poster I have positioned my main character to the center of the page. This will alert the readers attention to the central character and suggests that the film will be about the character seen on the page. This is also shown on the two example posters from my genre. The use of the English country side in the background helps emphasize that this film is a British social realism film, this is also used on both example posters. The character is dressed to fit a subculture therefore more attention is drawn to the character, it will also hopefully draw the attention of people who follow that subculture. The credit block will be along the bottom of the poster. This diverts the main attention to the title and main imagery of the poster but still features a credit block. Making the sky a solid red colour draws large attention to the bold white title clearly emphasizing the importance of the title. The age rating of the film is also positioned to the right hand side of the title making it clear that this film is rated a 15. The chosen quote helps sell the film to the target audience by giving away some information on the content, this will hopefully appeal to my older teen audience and will attract people in their mid forties as well. The use of a sound track artist box informs the reader of what to expect in the film. Since my film is set in the nineties era the soundtrack both will realistically feature songs from the nineties, again helping attract more viewers. Minimal background activity helps focus the attention onto the main character.

On this poster I have again used the main character for the main image this seems to be a common technique used on posters of my genre. The use of three primary colours (black,white and red) this makes the poster look tidy and professional. Making the title consist of two colours helps make the title seem physically bigger therefore emphasizing its importance, as seen in the example poster above. The character also dominates the left hand side of the page, this is useful as people read from left to right and this image will be the first thing they see. Again my character is used to fit a certain subculture attracting more viewers. The use of a youthful character will also attract my older teen audience. The quotes again help sell the film and give away some narrative content. The credit box is again located at the bottom as not to obstruct the main images. The use of white font on red and black makes smaller text stand out.

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