Monday 16 September 2013

Idea Generation

My idea for my film is a revenge based social realism film. I will use the ideas and concepts from the film Room for Romeo Brass and Dead Man's Shoes to try and effectively represent the social realism genre. The concept consists of a narrative based around a teenage boy who is experiencing constant abuse from a group of other teenage boys. He is growing up in a working class environment in the North East. His home life is also very corrupt, his father is absent and when he does show his face he is very abusive. His mother is a social recluse who doesn't work who could be experiencing some sort of mental illness. The boy goes on experiencing abuse until he meets an interesting character. The character is a local man who has been in the armed forces who keeps to himself. The character decides to try and help the boy by training him mentally and physically to stand up for himself. However he is so involved in re building himself he goes a step too far. He decides to hunt down the group of bully's extremely violently. Over the period of a weekend he manages to target each aggressor, sleeping in various parts of the urban environment. He realises that the authorities have been contacted as through out the film his relationship with his mother increases with help form the character who helps re-build him. He is found in the outskirts of his town and taken in by the authorities and charged. The end of the film leaves the main character in a morally superior situation, but in the eyes of society he is a victim of his actions.

The film will start with an equilibrium showing the character in day to day life then the disruption will occur by showing his repetitive abuse. A disequilibrium will occur when he meets the man who trains him. This continues until he begins to decide to hunt down the agressors. Then a disruption occurs when he goes against his trainer. A disequilibrium continues when he hunts down the aggressors, when he is caught and charged this is a resolution. After this there is a small new equilibrium where it becomes apparent he is morally superior but society deems him a criminal. Thus forming a social opinion that would fit the conventions of a social realism film.

I have decided to call my film Mantis. This can be seen as a metaphor for my main character as he prays on his attackers. Influence for my film came from one word titles such as 'Tyrannosaur' and 'Trainspotting' which have hidden meaning within the film. This will therefore fit my social realism

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